On the occasion of completion of five years of Digital India, Information and Technology Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad while addressing the startups working for Digital India said that in India, apps from Google Play-Store and App Store get a lot of downloads, but now the app The time has come to upload, although Indian companies have been working on this issue for the past several months.
The government has banned 59 Chinese apps after a border dispute with China. After the ban, there has been a flood of Made in India mobile apps. The social media app Sharechat has now launched a new app Moj (Moj), just like TickTalk.
Moj (Moj) is a domestic social media platform whose parent company is Sharechat. Moj can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. The features of the Moose are similar to those of TicTock. In this too, you will get features such as making short videos, special effects, stickers and emotions.