In Updated report by UK government’s competition and market authority, Google still pay to the Apple £1.2 billion (Approximate 1.5 billion Dollar) to make default google search engine in apple’s safari app.

In other words Google paying a company for make its search engine in browser and other platforms.


The report says the deal creates a “significant barrier to entry and expansion” for Google competitors. The report also suggests either limiting Apple’s ability to monetize such deals or to give users a choice of search engine upon setup.

From Many Years, Safari has been based on Google’s Search Engine, to make the iPhone Generate Revenue for Google’s smartphone and giving google a competitive edge over the competition. In 2014, Court revealed a 1 billion Dollar Payment for Google made default serach engine in apple mobile safari in US. Analytics estimate that amout has been increase every year. Apple has biggest benefit from Google, with an estimated 9 billion dollar in a year from such placement deal, though the company has never disclosed concrete figures.


Regulators are now concerned this massive UK deal, which last year was 50 percent higher than what Google paid for US placement more than six years ago for a far more populous region, may stifle competition. Google competitors — though few, like Microsoft’s Bing and DuckDuckGo, actually remain — may not be in a position to pay such a large sum for prime placement on the default iPhone browser. Here’s the excerpt from the report, found on page 13, regarding the deal:


In search, Google has negotiated agreements with Apple and with          many    of the largest mobile phone manufacturers under which it pays a share     of search advertising revenues to these partners in return    for Google Search occupying the default search positions on the            device. The scale of these payments is striking and demonstrates the value that Google places on these default positions. In 2019, Google paid around £1.2 billion in return for default positions in the UK alone, the substantial majority of which was paid to Apple for being the default on the Safari browser. Rival search engines to Google that we spoke to highlighted these default payments as one of the most significant factors inhibiting competition in the search market. Consumers primarily access the internet through mobile devices, which account for over two-thirds of general searches, a share which has grown substantially in recent years and is likely to continue to grow in the future.


In this Days Google Still Paying to Apple for making google position in safari for make more google popular. Now analytics estimate that Apple still increase amount every year for make it default Search Engine.