Xiaomi sub-brand Poco announced to launch Poco M2 Pro in India on July 7, Poco India has revealed through its official social media channels. The Poco M2 Pro will be Poco's second smartphone in the country this year, after the Poco X2 that was launched in February. The new Poco phone will come with a quad rear camera setup, as showcased in the launch teaser. The rumour mill has suggested that the Poco M2 Pro will come with Qualcomm Snapdragon 720G SoC.
The Poco India Twitter account on Wednesday revealed the launch date of the Poco M2 Pro in the country. The launch will take place at 12pm (noon) IST through the social media platforms of the Chinese company.
As per the teaser provided in the launch invite, the Poco M2 Pro will come with quad rear camera setup that is in square shape. Flipkart has created a dedicated microsite that also shows the back of the new smartphone, without revealing any additional details.
Poco M2 Pro Full Specifications
Specifications From : gadget360